

The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Child Development | UWS Balewadi

The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Child Development

Table of Contents


The Current State of Children’s Nutrition

  1. Statistics on the prevalence of childhood obesity and related health issues
  2. Impact of poor nutrition on academic performance and cognitive development
  3. Role of technology and fast food in influencing children’s dietary choices

The School’s Commitment to Nutrition

  1. Overview of the school’s nutritional policies and guidelines
  2. Integration of nutrition education into the curriculum

Universal Wisdom School Meals Program

  1. Overview of the meal program at Universal Wisdom School, Balewadi
  2. Emphasis on providing balanced and nutritious meals
  3. Inclusion of locally sourced and fresh ingredients

Benefits of a Nutrient-Rich Diet for Children

  1. Improved Physical Health
  2. Sustained Energy Levels
  3. Enhanced Cognitive Function
  4. Better Academic Performance
  5. Healthy Weight Maintenance
  6. Reduced Risk of Nutrient Deficiencies
  7. Positive Impact on Behaviour
  8. Supports Emotional Wellbeing
  9. Establishment of Healthy Eating Habits
  10. Prevention of Diet-Related Disorders
  11. Enhanced Immune Function
  12. Improved Sleep Patterns
  13. Promotion of Long-Term Health

Collaborative Efforts with Parents

  1. Importance of parental involvement in promoting healthy eating habits
  2. Workshops and events to educate parents on healthy meal planning

Future Initiatives

  1. Plans for expanding and enhancing the school’s nutrition program
  2. Incorporating feedback and adapting to evolving nutritional guidelines




In today’s fast-paced world, the growing concern about childhood nutrition is impossible to ignore. As lifestyles shift and processed foods become the norm, concerns about childhood nutrition have soared. Nutrition is the cornerstone of a child’s well-being, influencing physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. The early years are critical; providing essential nutrients is key to building a solid foundation for a healthy future.

At Universal Wisdom School, Balewadi, we recognise this critical connection and take the lead in ensuring students get balanced, nutritious meals, without compromising the taste of the food. 

Giada De Laurentiis said, “I’m into very colorful food. Obviously lots of flavor, but I think we eat with our eyes first, so it has to look great. The presentation has to be great.” At UWS, we believe that presentation and variety is key. Our meal plans are designed to be child-centric, with a variety of dishes that make children look forward to enjoying their meals. 

Beyond physical health, we understand that fostering healthy eating habits contributes to academic success. Balanced nutrition does not mean boring, and that’s exactly what we provide – fresh, in-house, fun, tasty, and child-centric meals. This blog sheds light on the pivotal role of nutrition in children’s overall health and development and how we, as a school, serve as crucial partners in shaping a healthier future for our students.

The Current State of Children’s Nutrition

  1. Statistics on the prevalence of childhood obesity and related health issues:

In the present landscape, childhood obesity has become an alarming epidemic. According to the NFHS report, the prevalence of overweight children under five years of age has increased from 2.1% (2015–2016) to 3.4% (2019–2021)¹. This puts them at risk for various health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal problems. This surge in obesity rates not only poses immediate health concerns but also casts a shadow over the long-term well-being of the younger generation.

Sometimes, parents justify that children are prone to genetic conditions/ diseases and as such, the subsequent health issues. On the contrary, research has proven that early intervention of a nutritious and healthy diet could decrease or even eliminate the impact of the health problems.

  1. Impact of poor nutrition on academic performance and cognitive development:

The link between nutrition and academic performance is increasingly evident. Children deprived of essential nutrients face difficulty concentrating, memory retention, and overall cognitive development. Addressing nutritional deficiencies is fundamental to ensuring children have the cognitive tools necessary for effective learning and intellectual growth.

  1. Role of technology and fast food in influencing children’s dietary choices:

In today’s digital age, technology and the omnipresence of fast food have significantly influenced children’s dietary choices. The marketing strategies employed by the food industry and the appeal of digital distractions make it challenging for children to make informed and healthy food choices. 

International statistics report that children in India spend between 1.5 and 7.0 hours per day on screens. Screen viewing is identified as a considerable risk factor for overweight and obesity. It is positively associated with the development of obesity, which in turn increases the risk of several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, as well as endocrine and orthopaedic disorders².

The School’s Commitment to Nutrition

  • Overview of the school’s nutritional policies and guidelines:

Universal Wisdom School, Balewadi, strongly emphasises fostering a healthy and supportive environment for students, recognising nutrition’s pivotal role in their overall well-being. To ensure the provision of balanced and nutritious meals, the school has established comprehensive nutritional policies and guidelines. These protocols govern the sourcing, preparation, and serving of meals to prioritise the nutritional needs of our students. UWS has an on-campus fully functional, state-of-the-art kitchen that serves freshly cooked meals to our students that are planned and prepared with love. By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to instil lifelong healthy eating habits and contribute to the positive development of our students.

  • Integration of nutrition education into the curriculum:

Recognising that education extends beyond textbooks, UWS integrates nutrition education seamlessly into the curriculum. Students engage in age-appropriate lessons that cover the fundamentals of nutrition, the importance of making healthy food choices, and the impact of nutrition on overall health. These lessons extend beyond theoretical knowledge, incorporating practical activities such as cooking classes, school gardens, and interactive workshops. This empowers our students to make informed and healthy dietary choices for life.

Take a look at Mrs. Deshmukh, a parent, a certified nutritionist, and a food science expert, who conducted a session for the students of Grades 4 and 7 on the topic ‘Eat Healthy and Be Healthy’. 

Universal Wisdom School Meals Program

Universal Wisdom School Meals Program

  • Overview of the meal program at Universal Wisdom School, Balewadi:

Universal Wisdom School, Balewadi, takes pride in offering a comprehensive and thoughtfully designed school meals program that prioritises the nutritional needs of our students. With the understanding that a well-nourished body is crucial for optimal development, our school meals program goes beyond mere sustenance. It is a holistic approach to providing students with balanced and wholesome meals, contributing to their health and wellbeing.

Universal Wisdom School Meals Program

  • Emphasis on providing balanced and nutritious meals:

Central to our school meals program is the unwavering emphasis on providing balanced and nutritious meals. Our menus are carefully crafted to include a variety of food groups, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded mix of essential nutrients. By incorporating a diverse range of proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, we strive to meet the nutritional requirements for growth, development, and sustained energy levels throughout the school day.

Universal Wisdom School Meals Program

  • Inclusion of locally sourced and fresh ingredients:

A key component of our commitment to nutritional excellence is including locally sourced and fresh ingredients in our school meals. By sourcing local produce and other food items, the nutritional value of the meals remains high and no preservatives are needed to enhance the flavour. We support the local and regional farming community and ensure that our students enjoy the benefits of seasonal, fresh, and minimally processed foods. We also try our hand at interesting food combinations and concepts to make our meals visually appealing by experimenting with the look and feel of the ingredients, like rainbow idli, beetroot paratha, and a kids’ special red pasta. 

This approach not only enhances the nutritional quality of the meals but also promotes sustainability and a connection to the local environment.

Benefits of a Nutrient-Rich Diet for Children

Benefits of a Nutrient-Rich Diet for Children

  1. Improved Physical Health: A nutrient-rich diet supports the development of strong bones, muscles, and a robust immune system, reducing the risk of various health issues.
  2. Sustained Energy Levels: Balanced nutrition provides a steady energy supply, helping children stay active and engaged throughout the day.
  3. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, contribute to optimal brain development, improving memory retention, concentration, and overall cognitive function.
  4. Better Academic Performance: Children with well-balanced diets tend to perform better academically, showcasing improved learning abilities and information processing.
  5. Healthy Weight Maintenance: A nutrient-rich diet helps regulate weight by providing nutrients without excessive calories from unhealthy sources.
  6. Reduced Risk of Nutrient Deficiencies: A diverse diet ensures that children receive a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals, reducing the risk of deficiencies that can impact growth and development.
  7. Positive Impact on Behavior: Proper nutrition plays a role in mood regulation, helping to reduce the risk of behavioural challenges and promoting positive behaviour in children.
  8. Supports Emotional Wellbeing: Nutrient-rich foods produce neurotransmitters and hormones that influence mood, contributing to overall emotional well-being.
  9. Establishment of Healthy Eating Habits: Introducing various nutritious foods early in life helps form lifelong healthy eating habits.
  10. Prevention of Diet-Related Disorders: A nutrient-rich diet can reduce the risk of diet-related disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues in the long term.
  11. Enhanced Immune Function: Proper nutrition strengthens the immune system, helping children effectively ward off illnesses and infections.
  12. Improved Sleep Patterns: Certain nutrients, such as those found in fruits and vegetables, can positively impact sleep quality, contributing to overall well-being.
  13. Promotion of Long-Term Health: A nutrient-rich diet during childhood sets the stage for long-term health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases later in life.

Collaborative Efforts with Parents

  • Importance of parental involvement in promoting healthy eating habits:

Recognising the profound influence of home environments on a child’s dietary habits, our school highly values parental involvement in promoting healthy eating habits. Parents play a pivotal role as partners in reinforcing the nutritional principles introduced at school. By fostering a collaborative approach, we aim to create a unified front that prioritises the importance of healthy eating at home and in the school environment.

  • Workshops and events to educate parents on healthy meal planning:

In our commitment to holistic education, we organise workshops and events to educate parents on healthy meal planning. These sessions cover various topics, from deciphering nutrition labels to creating balanced and nutritious meals at home. Collaborative cooking classes and seminars with nutrition experts provide practical insights and empower parents with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their children’s dietary choices.

  • Alleviating Mealtime Stress:

At UWS, we recognise the significant impact of school meals in alleviating parental stress and responsibility. By providing nutritious meals throughout the day, we aim to ease parents’ concerns about their child’s dietary needs. With breakfast, lunch, and snacks covered, parents can rest assured that their children are receiving essential nourishment during school hours, effectively relieving them of the burden of planning and preparing multiple meals each day. 

Future Initiatives

  • Plans for expanding and enhancing the school’s nutrition program:

As part of our commitment to continual improvement, UWS plans to expand and enhance our nutrition program. This includes exploring opportunities to introduce various nutritious options in our school meals, catering to diverse dietary preferences and requirements. Additionally, we are considering the implementation of innovative initiatives such as nutrition-focused extracurricular activities and partnerships with local farmers to further enrich the nutritional offerings for our students.

  • Incorporating feedback and adapting to evolving nutritional guidelines:

Acknowledging the dynamic nature of nutritional science, UWS is dedicated to staying abreast of evolving guidelines and best practices. We value feedback from students, parents, and the broader community to continually refine and adapt our nutrition program. By actively seeking input and staying informed about the latest research, we aim to ensure that our school’s nutritional initiatives remain aligned with the most current and effective strategies for promoting the health and well-being of our students.


In fostering a holistic approach to children’s nutrition, we pave the way for a generation that thrives academically and grows into resilient, well-balanced individuals capable of contributing positively to the world. The journey towards a healthier tomorrow starts today, and together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to flourish, fueled by the power of nutritious choices and a commitment to lifelong well-being.